Here is the rush edit of our final narrative that we have created. Through much deliberation, re-drafting and audience feedback, we feel that we have found a winner! At long last it has seemed, we are happy with the narrative structure.
We have chosen to leave our narrative open ended enabling the audience to create their own interpretation of the text as well as ending. This means our text is seen as polysemic, following the reception theory which notes how no text has one single meaning, the way in which we interpret a text is dependent on factors such as upbringing, age and frame of reference as well as other factors. This allows for a wider reading from different audiences, whom will be intrigued by the narrative polysemic meanings.
I believe that we have portrayed the narrative of the music video in a visually appealing and creative manner in order to capture our crucial teen target audience whom are known to seek the most innovative and 'cool' things, therefore by creating something visually 'cool' and 'trendy' we hope to be targeting our intended audience.
The narrative losely plots itself around the main singer and crazed stalker fan. The stalker has a fascination with the main singer and this portrayed through the obscene amount of cut out photos plastered across the walls, hallucinations of the main singer and her, a doll looking exactly like the singer and the burning of the photos. The narrative throughout the music video see's the crazed stalker going through different mental stages in which there comes to climax at the height of the song where you see her going crazy in a room.
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